
Keep the Spring In Your Step This Spring

After a long, physically distanced winter inside, Spring is beckoning us like never before. But spring into action too quickly, and you may be heading for painful injuries. Indeed, the 24 vertebrae and 120 joints in your spine may already be feeling some strain from...

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Don’t Let Sitting Kill You

We are more sedentary than ever before thanks to the worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic.  Being more sedentary leads to a higher risk of disease (including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, colon and lung cancer) and death.  A timely study published in December 2020,...

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10 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress

The world is a stressful place these days, and we are all trying to deal with it the best we can.  At the top of the list is this surging pandemic, and everything that goes with it.  Social distancing itself is stressful as people want to interact with other...

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Restorative Sleep

Sleep is incredibly important for your mental and physical health. Did you know that you can survive longer without food than you can without sleep? If you are having trouble sleeping lately you are not alone. This has been an incredibly stressful year and since so...

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Are You One of the 71%?

35% of Americans are now working remotely from home.  A new study from the Lenovo Group found that 71% of those working from home are experiencing either new symptoms or an exacerbation of historic symptoms.  The most common begin back pain, neck pain, poor...

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Bike Safe!

Have you noticed the increase in the number of people out cycling?  I sure have.  Bike shops across the country are selling bicycles at a record pace to keep up with the increased demands.  I think it is directly related to this global pandemic- as more...

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On-Line Learning Ergonomic Tips

It’s hard to get used to learning at home.  You miss out on seeing friends, collaborating on projects, one to one meetings with teachers and sports Learning from home is also tough on the body.  Not that school desks are the best thing for your body, but at...

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