Pain is a Warning
It’s common for people to attribute their pain to aging, but this reasoning often overlooks the underlying issues. I frequently hear patients say, “I must be getting old” to explain their pain. I respond by asking if their right leg is any older than their left. If...
Improve Your Golf Game Without Lessons or New Clubs
Introduction: When it comes to improving your golf game, there's more to it than just investing in top-of-the-line clubs and taking professional lessons. Golfers often underestimate the significant impact that their physical health and alignment can have on their...
12 of the Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat
Last month, in part 1, I listed the top inflammation causing foods to avoid, and this month as promised is a list of some of the top Anti-Inflammatory foods you can add to your diet. (Most of this information was written by Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE on...
Top 10 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid
I wanted to share some information that I have been researching these past few months about how diet can affect inflammatory responses in the human body. There is an epidemic of inflammatory diseases that affect millions of people every day, and many experts...
What is Facet Syndrome?
If you are a patient at Performance Health Center, you have probably heard your doctors use the term facet syndrome to describe the cause of your pain syndrome. But what is facet syndrome? Have you ever been physically active over the weekend then the next day...
What is Facet Syndrome?
If you are a patient at Performance Health Center, you have probably heard your doctors use the term facet syndrome to describe the cause of your pain syndrome. But what is facet syndrome? Have you ever been physically active over the weekend then the next day reach...
The Key to Happiness
Yes, there is a key to happiness! It’s having good relationships with friends, family and community. Is it that simple? Apparently so. The Good Life, by Waldinger and Shultz, published in January 2023, breaks it down. They are the main researchers of the...
What is CPPD?
That is the Jeopardy answer to this question: What causes sudden onset of pain in joints with sometimes severe swelling, with no know injury to these joints. This “disease” mimics Gout, but is not Gout as there are no uric acid crystals involved, instead a...
Active Release Techniques® : What I Have Learned
As of August 13th, I became certified by Active Release Techniques® (ART®) as a Full Body practitioner. ART® has made a tremendous impact in my ability to help patients. While I have learned many soft tissue techniques over the years, ART® is a game changer. The...
Sea to Summit – Won by Dr. Ball & Team!
That is the title of the event that I did last weekend with a few of my friends, and it was such a cool event that I thought I would write about it. Sea to Summit is a triathlon that goes essentially from sea level point to point starting in Berwick, Maine and heads...