Improve Your Golf Game Without Lessons or New Clubs

Introduction: When it comes to improving your golf game, there’s more to it than just investing in top-of-the-line clubs and taking professional lessons. Golfers often underestimate the significant impact that their physical health and alignment can have on...

The Key to Happiness

Yes, there is a key to happiness!  It’s having good relationships with friends, family and community. Is it that simple?  Apparently so. The Good Life, by Waldinger and Shultz, published in January 2023, breaks it down.  They are the main researchers of the...

Do NSAIDs Cause Chronic Pain?

What do you do if you have an injury resulting in low back pain?  As a society we have been conditioned to take something for it.  Most commonly it is an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) which include:  Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) and Naproxen (Aleve)....

The Wonders of Chiropractic

(This was 1st published in the Chittenden East Wellness Committe’s (of Vermont) Wellness Letter in 1989) Chiropractic is a word most people are familiar with but few understand.  The purpose of this article is to introduce you to the healing art of...

Exercise to Reduce Chronic Illness & Live Longer

Are you exercising daily? A new study from Harvard evolutionary biologist Daniel Lieberman found, that you don’t have to be as active as a hunter-gatherer. Even small amounts of physical activity-just 10-20 minutes of physical activity a day-substantially lower your...