May 4, 2024 | Sports Medicine
Introduction: When it comes to improving your golf game, there’s more to it than just investing in top-of-the-line clubs and taking professional lessons. Golfers often underestimate the significant impact that their physical health and alignment can have on...
Oct 4, 2019 | Dr. Tom Ball, General, Sports Medicine
Happy October everyone… I think this is the best weather of the year with cool crisp nights and warm sunny days. With the shorter days and cooler temperatures comes less exposure to UV radiation which is good in some ways (less skin cancer worries) but also less...
Aug 4, 2018 | Chiropractic, Dr. Tom Ball, Exercise, Health, Performance Health Center, Sports Medicine
If you are a regular reader of these blogs you know that I definitely advocate exercising on a regular basis, but when the summer months turn really hot and humid, you need to be careful to avoid heat related illnesses like heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Whether...
Jun 3, 2018 | Chiropractic, Newsletter, Performance Health Center, Sports Medicine
Unfortunately the following saga is way too typical in our office. Last month I saw a new patient who had severe low back pain (LBP) for over 2 years. The pain was so severe she was living on pain meds, going right home from work and going to bed. She was not...
Apr 2, 2018 | Chiropractic, Health, Sports Medicine
Concussions are awful. There are close to 4 million sports related concussions in the U.S. every year. Your brain gets shaken up like an egg inside its shell. The skull doesn’t crack but the brain gets rattle around. You might lose consciousness, balance, ability to...
Aug 2, 2017 | Healing, Sports Medicine
For several months in a row last spring I wrote about my experiences post-knee surgery and the grueling rehab process I was going through. It’s hard to believe that is now 15 months post-surgery. The good news is that I am back doing all the activities I was able to...