
2024 June  Improve Your Golf Score by Enhancing Your Mobility,  10 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress

2024 May  Improve Your Golf Game Without Lesson or New Clubs,

2024 April  12 of the Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat,  Part 2

2024 March  Top 10 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid

2024 February  What is Facet Syndrome

2024 January  Make Your New Years Resolutions “Stick”

2023 December  The Key to Happiness

2023 November  What is CPPD?  Racking Without Wrecking Your Body

2023 September  Active Release Techniques:  What I have learned.  Do You Know How Much Your Child’s Backpack Weighs?

2023 August  Charlie is 104!  Listen to His Advise on Chiropractic Care, his Life Story & Ley to Longevity,  Sea to Summit – Won by Dr. Ball & Team

2023 June I Tried Metagenics UltraInflamx Plus 360 for 30 Days and Here’s What Happenend,  Spring Time = Tick Time

2023 May  Is it a Cold or Allergy?

2023 April  How Nutrition can Change your Life!

2023 March  Play More Tennis & Live Longer,  Your Mother was Wrong (& so was I)

2023 February  Your Mother Was Wrong (and So Was I),  The Key to Happiness

2023 January Six Surprising Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes,

2022 December  The Scalene Muscles and Why They Are So Important

2022 November  Raking Without Wrecking Your Body

2022 October   Going though “the Change?” There’s supplement that relieves symptoms related to                                      perimenopause

2022 September Time to Boost Your Body’s Natural Immunity,   Do You Know How Much Your Child’s                                        Backpack Weighs?

2022 August   Do NSAIDs Cause Chronic Pain?

2022 July  Backstage with The lumineers,  Heat Vs. Ice: A “Heated” Topic

2022 June  Backstage with The Who,  Laughter is a Great Stress Reliever, The Significance of Breathing                         &  How it Relates to Pain

2022 May  15 Evidence Ways to Reduce Stress, The Importance of Vitamin K When Supplementing with                       Vitamin D for Bone Health

2022 April   Low Back Pain Can Come From Other Sources Besides the Spine: A Case Study

2022 March  The Wonders of Chiropractic

2022 February  Introducing Dr. Ghelfi

2022 January   Make Your New Years Resolutions “Stick:

2021 December    Exercise to Reduce Chronic Illness & Live Longer

2021 November   Raking Without Wrecking Your Back

2021 October    Essential Fatty Acids 101,   Help Rich Busa Celebrate His 92nd Birthday

2021 September   What’s Causing My Back Pain?

2021 August    Are You Often Sore + Tired?   Back to an Athletic Lifestyle: Performance Health Center Treats Injuries with Active Release Techniques

2021 July   Back In the Saddle Again

2021 June   Is it OK to Slow Down?

2021 May    Meet Dr. Allison Ailor

2021 April   Spring Time = Tick Time,    Keep the Spring in Your Step this Spring

2021 February  Don’t Let Sitting Kill You,   PNS- “Rest and Relax” vs SNS “Figh or Flight”

2021 January    Chiropractic Adjustements Can  Help Relieve Stress and Tension and Tension

2020 December   10 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress

2020 November     Exercise Regularly…for Your Brain!   Rake Safe

2020 October   Watch Score Boston Remote Working Workshop

2020 September   If Your Kids are Learning from Home, this Should be Their 1st Mandatory Assignment

2020 August    Are you One of the 71%? 

2020 July   Ergonomic Tips for Working & Learning at Home,  Bike Safe!

2020 May   Our Planned re-opening date is Monday, May 18

2020 March 12 of the Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat,  The Importance of Vitamin D3 for Optimum Health

2020 February The Road to Recovery.  The Top 10 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid

2020 January 

2019 December

2019 November 

2019 October   The Who.   Vitamin D for Athletes: What Can it Do?

2019 September Announcing Saturday Hours & September Newsletter

2019 August  Breaking News: The Aspirin Myth Debunked!   What You Can Learn From the Tour de France.  Ice Therapy AKA Cryotherapy

2019 July Dynamic Compression for Rapid Recovery of Your Health!   Intersegmental Traction!

2019 June  Please Wear A Helmet!  Electrical Therapy Speeds Up Healing!

2019 May  New Study Confirms Chiropractic Reduces Opioid Use.  Quick Spring Gardening Tips.  May Flowers and UV Tips.

2019 April  When The Best Treatment is NO Treatment!  Spring Time = Tick Time!  What is the Difference Between 50 Degrees in the Fall and 50 Degrees in the Spring?

2019 March  Meet Dr. El-Turkmani!  Use Your Right Hand to be in Your Left Mind!

2019 February  The Future of Sitting is Here Now in Natick!

2019 January  10 Reasons to Use a Humidifier.  Play More Tennis and Live Longer!

2018 December  Stages of Injury and Recovery.   An Interesting Take on R.A…akIntera Rheumatoid Arthritis

2018 November  Download AdviceCoach: Our New App!     Combat Cold and Flu Season with Echinacea!    “Fall Back” with Vitamin D3!   Raking Without Wrecking Your Back!

2018 October  It’s Apple Picking Season!

2018 September  Multitasking is Dangerous to Your Health!  It’s Not Just About Vitamin C Anymore…Try Zinc this Fall!  Do You Know How Much Your Child’s Backpack Weighs?

2018 August  Stay Safe During Hot Weather Exercise.   Fall Sports Season is Here, Believe it or not!!!; Dynamic Stretching, the Pre-Workout!

2018 July  Cheers to Cherries,  Magnesium, What a Hot Topic These Days!

2018 June   Share this with Your PCP!   Now that Summer is Here: Get Outside!   Turmeric, Not Just a Spice Anymore…It’s So Much More!

2018 May  Talk About Inspiration…OMG!!!   Does Chiropractic Help with Allergies?

2018 April  It’s That Time of Year Again, Boston Marathon Time!  Improve Your Posture With These Exercises and Stretches.   The Concussion Muscle

2018 March  Your Mind is Powerful: Use it Wisely!   “Rest and Relax”  vs  “Fight or Flight- Part 2

2018 February  “Rest and Relax”  vs  “Fight or Flight”.  Got Enough Snow Yet?

2018 January    The Benefits of Yoga.  Bioelectric Medicine of Electroceuticals:  The Future of Modern Medicine?

2017 December  Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?  Combat Cold and Flu Season with Echinacea!

2017 November  Backpacks in November?

2017 October  Are You Eating Too Much Protein?  Slow Biological Aging

2017 September  Zinc, It’s Not Just About Vitamin C Anymore…

2017 August  Need Energy? Want to Age More Gracefully?   Tips to Relieve Back Pain! It’s Summer and I’m Back on the Courts!  Postural Awareness Take 3!

2017 July  Longer Telomeres=Healthier & Longer Life!  Postural Awareness, Part 2.   Cracking the Weather Code.

June 2017

2017 May  Do This and Live Longer!  What is Posture?  Slow Rise Bread, Easier to Digest

2017 April  Strengthen Your Brain With Exercise.   Happy Marathon-ing Boston Runners!   New Study- Placebo as Good as Meds for Back Pain

2017 March  Time to Get “Pickled” ,  Don’t Let Your Kids Become CDC Statistics!  Dynamic Stretching – the “Pre-Workout”

2017 February  Special “K’, Did You Know this About Magnesium?  You Got Some Nerve!

2017 January That Time of Year Again!  More Tips (& New Research) to Help Prevent Those Winter Colds, Half Full or Half Empty Matter to Your Health!


2016 November  Need Sleep?  3 Foods to Add to Your Diet This Fall.  TURMERIC, Not Just a Spice Anymore…  HOTSHOT- Great for Cramps & Much More!!!

2016 October  National Backpack Safety Day.  The Glue that Keeps Our International Tennis Athletes Competing!   Dynamic Compression for Your Health. The Connection Between Nutrition & Mental Health – Episode 2:  Anxiety. Exercise=Medicine!



2016 July  The Man, The Myth and The Legend,  Types to Prevent Lyme Disease, Treat Acid Reflux Naturally, A Split Second & the Road to Recovery, Part 4

2016 June  Why You Need a Strong Core.  Should Your Meat Be Organic?  A Split   Second & the Road to Recovery, Part 3.  Rebound Headaches

2016 May  Natural Relief from Springtime Allergies,  Sinus Headaches, Ugh….,  A Split Second & the Road to Recovery, Part 2,  Why Buying Organic is Important: ‘The Dirty Dozen’ & ‘The Clean Fifteen’


2016 March  Are Cell Phones Safe?  Not for Your Sperm!    Improve Your Immune System with Nutrition.  Boost Your Immune System with Exercise!   Tension Headaches…the Most Common Type of Headache!

2016 February  Reversing Type ll Diabetes.  The Broncos Secret Weapon…ART?  Big Bad Migraine…The Worst of the Headaches!  10 Tips to Prevent Running Injuries.

2016 January   School’s Back in Session = Increase in Headaches in Children. This Year Embrace Winter- with Nordic Skiing and Snowshoeing.  Resolutions Vs. Goals

2015 December   Keeping the “Dead” Moving!   The Health Benefits of Being Thankful!    An Interesting Take on Rheumatoid Arthritis, A.K.A “R.A.”

2015 November Happy 86th Birthday Rich!  Boost Your Immunity this Cold and Flu Season!  The Benefits of Strength Training!

2015 October  Prolonged Sitting is Hazardous to Your Health!  Is Your Wallet Causing You Pain?  Rake Safe

2015 September  Are You Toxic?  What Does Kinesio Tape Do Again?

2015 August  A Second Chance at Life!   Why Suffer With Low Back Pain?   Got Muscle Cramps?

2015 July  5 Dangerous Words.   With Temperatures on the Rise….Hydrate!   Got Back Pain…?

2015  June  WARNING: A Little Truth About Antibiotics…  Exercise- More Really is Better!!!  What is Good Posture and Why is it Important

2015 May  Does Ice Delay Healing? Where and When Should You Use Ice?    Your Post-Race Recovery and Body Maintenance.   Your Mother Was Wrong( and So Was I)

2015 April  Spring Cycling Safety Tips.  The Taper.  But I Thought I Had a Healthy Spine…

2015 March  Lessons From February.  New Rules for Cholesterol Consumption.  The Winter Blues.  Have You Been Cupped?

2015 February So You Have Got the Flu, Now What? – Some Tips for You.  Celebrate Keeping Your Goals and Improve Your Health With a Glass of Wine.  To Sit or Stand?  What Desk is Best?  4 Awesome Training Principles.

2015 January  One Minute a Day to Better Health.  Do I Need An Adjustment?  Resolutions or Goals?

2014 December  Holiday Foods and Their Lasting Effects.  Your Risk for Dehydration Increased in Winter.  Why Use Your Knees When You Bend?

2014 November  MD Testimonial.  Do I Need More Vitamin D?  Raking Without Wrecking Your Body.  The Need For Vitamin C.

2014 October  Oregon’s M.D. Governor Understands Chiropractic.  To Roll Or Not To Roll Your IT Band. FALL: Time for a Change

2014 September   Health Secrets of a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer!     The Dangers of Antibiotic Dependency.  Cooler Sleeping Environment Has Added Health Benefits

2013 October  How Sugary Drinks Are Probably Harming Your Children.  Study Shows the Negative Effects of Facebook..  Wonder Twins Turn Tragedy Into Incredible Success

2013 September  Relationship Problems and Sleep!  University Of California At Berkeley Research Explains How Fighting and Lack Of Sleep Are Intertwined and Make Each Other Worse.  Is Sleeping Too Much Just As Bad As Sleeping Too Little?  Is This The Blueprint To Lose 68 Pounds? Woman Claims These Two Things Helped Her Go From 210 lbs. to 142 lbs.  Will It Work For You?

2013 August   How Plate Size Effects What You Eat.  Is Yoga Good For Your Brain?  Breast Feeding Creates Bigger Brains?

2013 July Dogs Help Fight Heart Disease? Peppers and Parkinson’s.  Top Source of Hidden Salt.

2013 June  Study Finds Marriage a Health  Risk?  Did Birth Paralysis Help Make Him One Of The Biggest Movie Stars EVER?  and more…

2013 May   Deaths From Prescription Painkillers Have Reached Epidemic Levels.  More Sugar Blues.  Do You Believe in Karma?  Enrich Your Life with Karma.

2013 April  Torn Knee Ligaments Heal Without Surgery.  Headaches Associated with Back Pain.  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome- What Causes the Numbness?

2013 March  2 Things You Should Do To Avoid Low Back Pain.  Sick?Flu? Should You Exercise or Stay in Bed?  Want to Feel More Full While Eating Less?

2013 February  Not Losing Weight?  The Most Common Reasons Diets Fail.  Blind Mice See again After Stem Cell Transplant.  Reduce Back Pain in Teens 58%.  What’s Better for Weight Loss- Resistance or Cardio Training?

2013 January  Does Green Tea Decrease Risk of Cancer? Osteoarthritis of the Knee-Should You Really Be Moving It?  33% of Americans are Vitamin D Deficient! Want to Add 4.5 years to your life?  Can Obesity Really Turn Fat TOXIC? Doing This Lowers Coronary Heart Disease Risk By 20%

December 2012 New Study Suggests When To Exercise To Lose More Weight, Another Happy Marathoner, Two heartwarming and motivational stories you may find hard to believe, Can Eating Cherries Lower Gout Risk?

November 2012 Study Links Marijuana Use To Cancer, Alcohol.   PTSD, and the Leading Cause Of Preventable Birth Defects.  Are E-Cigarettes Safe?

October 2012 Are You Tired All Day But Can’t Sleep at Night?  Lie Less and Live a Healthier Life, Want to Reduce Stress?  At Risk For Kidney Stones?  Always Wear A Helmet

September 2012 The healing power of touch, Introducing Dr. Thomas C. Ball to Performance Health Center! Natural Mosquito Repellents That Work and Which Ones Are Rip-Offs, Blade Runner: Oscar Pistorius makes Olympic history as the first double amputee to compete.

August 2012 Want to live longer and healthier? Researchers may have discovered a way to do it… and it’s not all in your genes. Second hand smoke and children… more bad news. The Matt W. Story: How the courage of a young man with cerebral palsy inspired an entire school.

July 2012  Are Avocados An Anti-Aging Super Food?  Want To Kill Weeds Without Toxic Chemicals? Did Chiropractic Care Help 15-1 Long Shot “I’ll Have Another” Win The Kentucky Derby? Former Professional Wrestler Helps Disabled Gulf War Veteran Lose 140 Lbs. And Walk Again!

June 2012 Popcorn Has More Antioxidants Than Fruits and Vegetables? Another Happy Marathoner, They Called Him Cancer Boy

May 2012 New Research Shows An Individual Approach To Back Pain May Be Best,Dead man succeeding, Fresh Juice For Your Health

April 2012 Grape Seed Extract Kills Head And Neck Cancer Cells,3 Marathons in 9 Months, Surprising Natural Health Tips And Facts

March 2012 Spinal Manipulation and Home Exercise Better Than Medication For Neck Pain? Amazing Relief from Plantar Fasciitis (heel pain), 10 Good Uses For Salt

February 2012 Can This Vitamin Cut Your Risk Of The Flu By 42%? 65 Pound Pit Bull Becomes Guardian Angel, Don’t Eat That Raw Cookie Dough

January 2012 Stress and anxiety can be extremely harmful to your health…Got Lingering Holiday Stress?Learn simple ways to let it go, feel better and maybe even look younger!!!

12/11 The answer to this question may surprise you… Did Alternative Medicine Kill Steve Jobs – Or Did It Extend His Life? Discover what some experts say about the computer giant’s decision to put off surgery and seek natural methods…

11/11 Do you know these benefits of relaxation? How Stress Is Ruining Your Life! Learn To Relax To Lose Weight, Feel Better & Look Years Younger

10/11 Looking for a safe and effective back pain treatment? Breaking Back Pain News: Survey Says Chiropractic Outperforms OtherBack Pain Treatments – Even Medication

9/11 HOT new debate about heart disease nutrition advice…New Research Brings SALTY NEWS!!! High dietary salt intake is a proven cause of increased risk of heart attack… or maybe it isn’t after all?

8/11 Do “wonder foods” with magical healing powers really exist? • Did Dr. Oz Really Say This Tiny Tibetan Fruit Is The “New Miracle Berry?” DON’T BE FOOLED! Separate fact from miracle claim fiction and discover why one fitness author says Dr. Oz and Oprah have sued over 50 companies…

07/11 WARNING HEART PATIENTS: Should You Take These Popular Over-The-Counter Pain Medications After A Heart Attack? Study Concludes – Heart patients who used common pain relievers called NSAIDs, even briefly, are at much higher risk of having a repeat heart attack or of dying than those who stay away from the drugs, which include such widely used over-the-counter medications as ibuprofen and naproxen

06/11 Popular Obesity Surgery Worse Than They Thought: Study believed to be the first to track long-term effects of laparoscopic gastric band surgery finds problems

05/11 Is Cutting Your Risk Of These 4 Deadly Diseases IN HALF Really This Easy?•New research shows a simple way you may be able to decrease your risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, multiple sclerosis and Type 1 diabetes by a whopping 50 %

04/11 “How 55-80 Year Olds Increased The Size Of Their Brains!” Scientific Study Shows How You Can Stay Mentally Sharp As You Age

03/11 Scientists Warn: Television Watching and Computer Game Playing “Damages The Heart” • Research Reveals: How Many Hours It Takes To DOUBLEYour Risk Of Major Cardiac Problems…No Matter How Much Exercise You Do!!!

02/11 Researchers Attempt To “Crack The Headache Code”New Study Reveals: Cause Of This Type Of Headache May Have Been Found – Is There An Easy Solution?

01/11 New Study: Texting And Social Networking Linked To Health Risks?