Bike Safe!

Have you noticed the increase in the number of people out cycling?  I sure have.  Bike shops across the country are selling bicycles at a record pace to keep up with the increased demands.  I think it is directly related to this global pandemic- as more...

12 of the Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat

Last month I listed the top inflammation causing foods to avoid, and this month as promised is a list of some of the top Anti-Inflammatory foods you can add to your diet.  (Most of this information was written by Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE on December 19, 2019...

Please Wear A Helmet!

I just finished a nice Sunday morning bicycle ride, and I am amazed at how many other cyclists that I saw out there riding without a helmet!  I do not get it… it makes ZERO sense!  When I ask people why they are not wearing a helmet I get responses like this… “I know...