The Broncos Secret Weapon…ART?

Let me start off by saying that I am a Patriots fan and am as bummed as everyone else in New England that they are not in the Super Bowl. There have been a ton of articles written about the AFC Playoff game and a lot of Monday Quarterbacking. Here’s information that...

10 Tips to Prevent Running Injuries

Last month I wrote about Cross Country skiing as a way to “Embrace Winter”, but as I write this Blog we are in the middle of a “winter thaw”.  Several 50 degree days and not much snow anywhere nearby makes running much more inviting.  So this month I thought I would...

Keeping the “Dead” Moving!

Literally! Yes, I had the pleasure of providing backstage care for The Grateful Dead at the DCU Center on November 10. After 50 years of performing, 2+ hour shows a night on tour, The Grateful Dead are still performing and going strong. They are touring again as “Dead...

Why Suffer with Low Back Pain?

I hope you have already read “A Second Chance in Life” (below in body of this blog).  It is truly a remarkable testimonial and the doctors at Performance Health Center are overjoyed at Patsy’s remarkable recovery after using crutches for so many years. As remarkable...

Got Muscle Cramps?

Summer heat and humidity are now at their peak, and with that I have recently had many patients ask me what they should do to prevent muscle cramping to occur.  First of all it helps to know what is causing these cramps to occur. Causes: Muscle cramps can be caused by...