Tips to Prevent Lyme Disease

We are now in full swing of summer, and with the many extra outdoor activities we are all now enjoying I thought this would be a good time to post a Blog on how best to Prevent Lyme disease.  I am amazed at the number of patients that I have encountered who either...

A Split Second & the Road to Recovery

It’s amazing how things your life can change in the split second.  It is even worse when it is not your fault. On Wednesday, March 2, while skiing, I was hit in the back by someone going down the mountain too fast and out of control.  I double released out of my skis,...

Boost Your Immune System with Exercise!

This past month I have had a lot of patients come in with either the flu, or a really nasty cold.  We are all exposed to bacteria and viruses on a daily basis, and the best way to fight these off and stay healthy is with a strong immune system.  Since we can not...

Are Cell Phones Safe? Not for Sperm!

Until now the evidence has been inconclusive on the short and long term safety of using cell phones. A recent study entitled, “Habits of cell phone usage and sperm quality – does it warrant attention?” was published in Reproductive Biomedicine Online. This study found...