Spring Time = Tick Time
April is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy this great weather. This Blog is directed for those of you who like to run, walk or cycle the trails. I thought this would be a good time to post a Blog on how best to Prevent Lyme disease. I am amazed at the number...
What is the Difference Between 50 degrees in the fall and 50 degrees in the spring?
Question: What is the difference between 50 degrees in the fall and 50 degrees in the spring? Answer: In the spring 50 degrees feels warm! This last weekend was the first “nice” weekend of spring! When I went out to get the morning paper the birds were singing and...
Use Your Left Hand to Be in Your Right Mind
Recently I had surgery on my right hand, leaving me essentially left-handed for these past few weeks. I have been taking it on as a challenge and I have been working on my dexterity and strength on my once weaker side. Besides improving my strength and dexterity on...
The Future of Sitting is Here in Natick!
“Sitting is the new smoking” is quoted day in day out in the media. Research continues to be published documenting all the detrimental effects of sitting on the job including increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even...
Play More Tennis and Live Longer!
That’s right. Yet another new study has come out showing the health benefits of being active, this time as it relates to longevity. The December 2018 issue of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings has a research study titled: Various Leisure-Time Physical Activities...
10 Reasons to Use a Humidifier
As a Doctor of Chiropractic, I see a lot of sick and injured people every day, and it is my job to help these patients get better. Yes… Chiropractic can also help with colds and flu- studies show that getting regular chiropractic adjustments helps boost the...
Stages of Injury and Recovery
As a Doctor of Chiropractic it is my job to help patients move and function better, and to help them recover from injuries they may be dealing with. There is more than just the physical healing that occurs with an injury. These injuries do not have to be life...
“Fall Back” with Vitamin D3
It is Time to “Fall Back” this Saturday November 3, 2018… that is we set our clocks back 1 hour for “Daylight Savings Time”, but the actual amount of daylight is actually shrinking daily every day from now through to the shortest day of the year which happens to be...
It’s Apple Picking Time!
October is my favorite time of year for Apple Picking! It is October and the warm sun and cool dry fall air are calling you outside. If you are looking for a fun, healthy activity to do with your family, I would suggest Apple Picking! Every fall my wife Clair,...
Multitasking Is Hazardous to Your Health
I have recently been reading a lot about multitasking and how it can be bad for your health. We all know that you cannot really do a good job of multiple things at the same time (think the ultimate no-no: texting while driving!) Many people believe in our too fast...