
What’s Cupping?

I am thrilled that the Olympics have sparked a curiosity regarding the art of cupping.  Cupping was developed thousands of years ago by the Romans, and the first cups were made from the horns of animals. Today cupping tools have been modernized but the philosophy...

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Tips to Prevent Lyme Disease

We are now in full swing of summer, and with the many extra outdoor activities we are all now enjoying I thought this would be a good time to post a Blog on how best to Prevent Lyme disease.  I am amazed at the number of patients that I have encountered who either...

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Why You Need a Strong Core!

As a Doctor of Chiropractic my job is to help you live a pain free active lifestyle, so you can do all the things in life that you like to do for as long as you want to do them.  One of the most common things that I see preventing my patients from leading the active...

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