Time to Boost Your Body’s Natural Immunity

It is September, and with kids going back to school, and with the colder weather coming that means more close contact indoors with others.  One of the best things that we can do to prevent COVID-19 or any other illness is to boost our own immune system. Here are...

Laughter is a Great Stress Reliever.

Last month I wrote a blog titled 15 Evidence Based Ways to Relieve Stress, yet I forgot one very important and effective way to relieve stress and that is with laughter. Laughter not only reduces stress, it is great for you both mentally and physically. One of the...

Essential Fatty Acids 101

The following information is mostly from an article I read by Julie Kendrick of Experience Life.  I found her article very interesting and I would like to share this valuable information with you. It is hard not to notice the health headlines over the last few...

PNS- “Rest and Relax” vs SNS- “Fight or Flight”

PNS vs SNS…. I am writing this Blog the week before Super Bowl LV, while most sports fans are thinking Bucs vs Chiefs and which team is stronger and who will over power the other.  Well, I want you to consider in your own mind which system in your body is...

Chiropractic Adjustments Can Help Relieve Stress and Tension

As a follow up to last month’s blog, this blog will explain how Chiropractic adjustments can help relieve stress and tension. 2020 was a very stressful year for all of us, and we still have a way to go to conquer this global pandemic.  We all know that chronic...