Exercise = Medicine

For the 32 years I have been in practice my daily mantra to patients has been “life is motion”.  Over the years more and more research is proving how important motion (aka exercise) is to being healthy.  The latest promotion for exercise as medicine is found on the...

GUEST BLOG: Correct Motion Matters – By Anita Luck

Dear Performance Health Center Community, I am honored to write a guest blog post for my chiropractor and friend Dr. Bradley Weiss! As you know, aside from being a great Chiropractor and ART Practitioner, he is helpful, open, and friendly. When I mentioned that as a...

Prevent & Treat Muscle Cramps!

Last August I wrote a Blog on how to prevent muscle cramps. https://www.performancehealthcenter.com/got-muscle-cramps/ This August I would like to follow up on that blog with one about the latest research on fighting muscle cramps.  I recently competed in the Patriot...

Why You Need a Strong Core!

As a Doctor of Chiropractic my job is to help you live a pain free active lifestyle, so you can do all the things in life that you like to do for as long as you want to do them.  One of the most common things that I see preventing my patients from leading the active...

Boost Your Immune System with Exercise!

This past month I have had a lot of patients come in with either the flu, or a really nasty cold.  We are all exposed to bacteria and viruses on a daily basis, and the best way to fight these off and stay healthy is with a strong immune system.  Since we can not...