Oct 4, 2019 | Dr. Tom Ball, General, Sports Medicine
Happy October everyone… I think this is the best weather of the year with cool crisp nights and warm sunny days. With the shorter days and cooler temperatures comes less exposure to UV radiation which is good in some ways (less skin cancer worries) but also less...
Aug 4, 2019 | Dr. Tom Ball, Exercise, Health
Ever since taking a class in graduate school titled “Comparative Anatomy and Physiology” where we compared humans to other mammals, I realized that we humans are actually one of the slowest of all mammals. Try racing a dog, horse or rabbit, you name it, over a short...
Jul 1, 2019 | Dr. Tom Ball, Exercise, Healing
As a Chiropractic Physician at Performance Health Center, I am always thinking of ways that we can assist our patients with their recovery and rehab from injuries, and ways to help them maintain a pain free and active lifestyle. Physicians have long used dynamic...
Jun 4, 2019 | Chiropractic, Dr. Tom Ball, Exercise, Health
I just finished a nice Sunday morning bicycle ride, and I am amazed at how many other cyclists that I saw out there riding without a helmet! I do not get it… it makes ZERO sense! When I ask people why they are not wearing a helmet I get responses like this… “I know...
Apr 30, 2019 | Dr. Tom Ball, Health
Happy May! We are just finishing an unusually wet April here in New England, as I write this on April 29th we have had 20 days of at least some rain in the 29 days of April so far. Well… get ready for a little sun! They say April showers bring May flowers, and I...
Apr 4, 2019 | Dr. Tom Ball, Health, Newsletter, Performance Health Center
April is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy this great weather. This Blog is directed for those of you who like to run, walk or cycle the trails. I thought this would be a good time to post a Blog on how best to Prevent Lyme disease. I am amazed at the number...