What is Facet Syndrome?

What is Facet Syndrome?

If you are a patient at Performance Health Center, you have probably heard your doctors use the term facet syndrome to describe the cause of your pain syndrome. But what is facet syndrome?  Have you ever been physically active over the weekend then the next day...

New Study: Is Exercise the Best Medicine?

It’s pretty sad, but in today’s society, it is common to boast and brag.  It is also common to make things seem much better or worse than they really are.  We see marketers do it every day through the advertising they bombard us with.  Who hasn’t bought something...

Did you know?

Every day, we are confronted with a myriad of food choices. I am sure you know oily fries, cheesy pizzas, and greasy burgers are definitely not at the top range of nutritious foods. On the other hand, fruits, whole grains, and vegetables bring heaps of life...

New Research Reveals The Healing Power Of Touch

Natick MA – Maybe the popular rock n’ roll band U2 had it right back in 1991, in their hit song Mysterious Ways with the lyric, “To touch is to heal.” However, they weren’t the first to make the claim. The healing power of touch has been written about since close to...