Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

This is the time of year (colder temperatures and shorter days) that you might want to add in a daily Vitamin D supplement.  Recent statistics show that most people aren’t getting enough vitamin D to stay healthy. This is called vitamin D deficiency. It is estimated...

Are You Eating Too Much Protein?

The latest nutritional fad seems to be to ingest more and more protein.  We see it everywhere- this snack is “Packed with Protein”, and “make sure to get enough protein at every meal”.  I hear it all the time at the gym… “What kind of protein powder do you use in your...

Tips to Relieve Back Pain

Your first step should be to seek out professional help.  Whether you see your PCP, a Physical Therapist, an Orthopedic Physician, or a Chiropractic Physician, start by finding a professional trained to diagnose and treat back pain not only with .  There are a...

Cracking the Weather Code

OK so I just got caught in a driving downpour, yet the forecast said there was only 25% chance of rain through midday, how does that always happen?… and what does a 25% chance of rain really mean? The “Chance of Rain” It’s one of the most misunderstood terms in...

Slow Rise Bread, Easier to Digest

If you are like Millions of Americans that are avoiding eating bread for one reason or another, maybe after reading this blog you might give bread a second chance.  I think most people love bread in one form or another, yet the current media perception is that most...