The Importance of Vitamin D3 for Optimum Health

Vitamin D3 is actually not a typical vitamin, but rather a secosteroid hormone that is crucial in upregulating nearly 2,000 out of our approximately 20,000 genes.  It is therefore not just a “nice thing to consider” but rather extremely important in our nearly...

12 of the Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods You Can Eat

Last month I listed the top inflammation causing foods to avoid, and this month as promised is a list of some of the top Anti-Inflammatory foods you can add to your diet.  (Most of this information was written by Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE on December 19, 2019...

What Can You Learn From the Tour de France?

Ever since taking a class in graduate school titled “Comparative Anatomy and Physiology” where we compared humans to other mammals, I realized that we humans are actually one of the slowest of all mammals. Try racing a dog, horse or rabbit, you name it, over a short...

Breaking News: The Aspirin Myth Debunked

Since the 1970’s the American Heart Association has recommended daily doses of baby aspirin to prevent or manage heart disease.  Millions of Americans have followed that advice for years. Three (3) major clinical trials in 2018 questioned the validity and safety of a...