It is OK to Slow Down

I am writing this Blog during Memorial Day weekend, day 2 of a 3-day rainy weekend.  The kind of weather that makes you want to sleep in and just do things in slow motion.  We really do need the rain and we really do need to slow down now and then. ...

PNS- “Rest and Relax” vs SNS- “Fight or Flight”

PNS vs SNS…. I am writing this Blog the week before Super Bowl LV, while most sports fans are thinking Bucs vs Chiefs and which team is stronger and who will over power the other.  Well, I want you to consider in your own mind which system in your body is...

Don’t Let Sitting Kill You

We are more sedentary than ever before thanks to the worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic.  Being more sedentary leads to a higher risk of disease (including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, colon and lung cancer) and death.  A timely study published in December 2020,...

Exercise Regularly… do it for your Brain

We are all living through an incredibly stressful time right now with the COVID-19 virus affecting all of our lives.  A previous blog I wrote was about how exercise can help reduce stress, and that exercise is as important, or maybe even more important for our...

Bike Safe!

Have you noticed the increase in the number of people out cycling?  I sure have.  Bike shops across the country are selling bicycles at a record pace to keep up with the increased demands.  I think it is directly related to this global pandemic- as more...