Need Sleep?

How did you sleep last night?  If you answered not well, you are not alone!  30% of all Americans have sleeping problems.  The National Institute of Health recommends 7-9 hours a sleep for adults (18-64 years old).  If you are not getting the minimum hours of sleep...

HOTSHOT- Great for Cramps & Much More!!!

HOTSHOT is now working to help people with Multiple Sclerosis and ALS and nocturnal leg cramping as well as for active people who suffer from exercise or exertional muscle cramps. This is a follow up to my August Blog on muscle cramping:...

Dynamic Compression for Your Health

As a Chiropractic Physician at Performance Health Center, I am always thinking of ways that we can assist our patients with their recovery and rehab from injuries, and ways to help them maintain a pain free and active lifestyle.  Physicians have long used dynamic...

Exercise = Medicine

For the 32 years I have been in practice my daily mantra to patients has been “life is motion”.  Over the years more and more research is proving how important motion (aka exercise) is to being healthy.  The latest promotion for exercise as medicine is found on the...