Special “K”

No, I am not talking about the Kellogg’s cereal in the big White box with the big red letter K on it.  I am talking about Potassium, which for you Chemistry Geeks is the 19th chemical element with the symbol K (derived from Neo-Latin, kalium). It was first isolated...

Half Full or Half Empty Matters to Your Health

How you view the world and your place in it affects the quality of your health!  Google optimism and this is how it is defined:  hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.  Do the same for pessimism and this is what you get: a...

Laughter is the Best Medicine

I am writing this blog the day after Thanksgiving, and one of the things I am always most thankful for is to spend time relaxing and laughing with family and friends.  Just yesterday my daughter Emily had me laughing so hard I thought I was going to pass out, and it...

Ouch! Yes it is your phone!

Text Neck and other synonyms used to explain the neck pain and headaches you are experiencing are real and directly related to how you are using your smart phone.  In fact anytime your crank your neck forward, whether on your phone, using your laptop, or any other...