New Study Confirms Chiropractic Reduces Opioid Use

Opioid addiction and death is still out of control.  New guidelines and regulations are reducing the number prescriptions for opioid medications.  The death rate for opioid deaths dropped 4% in 2018 relative to 2017, but it was still close to 2000 in Massachusetts...

Quick Spring Gardening Tips

Month 2 at Performance Health Center! I am loving my work here. Treating patients every day and watching their pain levels decrease and their functional ability increase, is an amazing thing to be a part of. Spring is finally here! This month I want to talk about...

When the Best Treatment is NO Treatment

By Dr. Leslie El-Turkmani I am so excited to be here at Performance Health Center! I’ve met so many nice people, and have already seen some amazing things.  Last week for example……I saw a patient with severe symptoms, crying in pain during the consultation, and...

Use Your Left Hand to Be in Your Right Mind

Recently I had surgery on my right hand, leaving me essentially left-handed for these past few weeks.  I have been taking it on as a challenge and I have been working on my dexterity and strength on my once weaker side.  Besides improving my strength and dexterity on...