A Split Second & the Road to Recovery

It’s amazing how things your life can change in the split second.  It is even worse when it is not your fault. On Wednesday, March 2, while skiing, I was hit in the back by someone going down the mountain too fast and out of control.  I double released out of my skis,...

The Broncos Secret Weapon…ART?

Let me start off by saying that I am a Patriots fan and am as bummed as everyone else in New England that they are not in the Super Bowl. There have been a ton of articles written about the AFC Playoff game and a lot of Monday Quarterbacking. Here’s information that...

Resolutions versus Goals

This time of year resolutions abound. Whether it is to lose weight, exercise more, eat better, write that book, make more, save more, meditate daily or spend more time with friends or family, we become inspired to better ourselves on many aspects of our lives. January...

Rake Safe

With the warm September we had the leaves are staying green and hanging on longer than usual, but we all know that will change sooner or later. In the next few weeks the leaves will be falling and you’ll be pulling out your sweaters. Before you know it the leaves will...