Dec 2, 2014 | General
You’ve been told for years to bend from your knees when picking things up from the floor, but no one ever told you why. Being told to do something without being told why never works. In order to change habits you first need to understand the short and long term...
Nov 30, 2014 | General
Hypothermia and Frostbite are not the only health hazards associated with the cold temperatures of winter. Recent cold weather studies at the University of New Hampshire showed an increased risk for dehydration over the cold winter months, a condition more commonly...
Nov 2, 2014 | General
With the days getting shorter and the temperature getting colder, this is the time of year when you might think about increasing your intake of Vitamin D. Why this time of year? Because our bodies actually manufacture Vitamin D (known as the sunshine vitamin) in...
Nov 2, 2014 | General
For many of you this may have come a little too late. Sorry about that, but our office phone has been ringing off the hook on Monday mornings because of injuries caused from raking and yardwork. It seems that smart, health conscious, people who stretch daily, exercise...
Oct 1, 2014 | General
The recent changing color of the leaves and the drop in temperature reminds us, fall is here, and it is a great time to change some things in your usual weekly and daily routine. For exercisers- the days are getting shorter and the temperature colder, and with that a...
Oct 1, 2014 | General
For over 2 decades, the effectiveness, the cost-effectiveness and the safety of chiropractic care has been well known and has been recommended multiple times as a solution to our out-of- control health care costs. One of the first groundbreaking reports was published...