Dec 1, 2017 | Health, Newsletter
This is the time of year (colder temperatures and shorter days) that you might want to add in a daily Vitamin D supplement. Recent statistics show that most people aren’t getting enough vitamin D to stay healthy. This is called vitamin D deficiency. It is estimated...
Nov 3, 2017 | Children, Health, Newsletter
Your child’s backpack should never weigh more than 15% of their body weight. Every years we give a series of Backpack Safety Workshops at a local Middle School. A random sampling of the student’s backpacks found the majority were 25-30% of their body weight. Only one...
Oct 1, 2017 | Diet, Health
The latest nutritional fad seems to be to ingest more and more protein. We see it everywhere- this snack is “Packed with Protein”, and “make sure to get enough protein at every meal”. I hear it all the time at the gym… “What kind of protein powder do you use in your...
Aug 2, 2017 | Exercise, Healing, Health
Your first step should be to seek out professional help. Whether you see your PCP, a Physical Therapist, an Orthopedic Physician, or a Chiropractic Physician, start by finding a professional trained to diagnose and treat back pain not only with . There are a...
Jun 26, 2017 | Did you know, Health
Guest Blog: We are delighted to introduce the Performance Health Center community to CellRegenX, a unique specially formulated nutraceutical developed by two local area physician researchers, to maximize cellular longevity, overall well-being, and athletic...