Always Wear A Helmet!

ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!!! I feel incredibly fortunate at the overall outcome from my recent crash at the Charles River Wheelmen Century (100 mile bike ride) this past Sunday. I met Brett Rutledge in Littleton for a beautiful fall century that traveled the back roads of...

Is Exercise A Drug and Can It Hurt Your Heart?

New Research Surprises Many… In today’s high-tech, fast paced society, we all tend to over think,  over complicate, and make things more difficult.  This is especially true when it comes to our health. For example, there is pretty good evidence that exercise is good...

Are you sitting yourself to death?

Do you sit all day or during a good portion of your day? If you do, you are really going to want to read every word of this article. It may be a matter of life and death. Literally. Here is why… According to “A new study from the American Cancer Society...