Cracking the Weather Code

OK so I just got caught in a driving downpour, yet the forecast said there was only 25% chance of rain through midday, how does that always happen?… and what does a 25% chance of rain really mean? The “Chance of Rain” It’s one of the most misunderstood terms in...

Did you know?

Every day, we are confronted with a myriad of food choices. I am sure you know oily fries, cheesy pizzas, and greasy burgers are definitely not at the top range of nutritious foods. On the other hand, fruits, whole grains, and vegetables bring heaps of life...

Did you know?

When we think about how to be happier we typically look for things to achieve or add to our lives. However, sometimes the key to happiness is actually giving up certain perspectives and behaviors. Here are a few things you can give up in order to become a happier...