Jan 3, 2016 | Exercise, Health, Newsletter
Welcome to winter, with its short days and long cold nights. As I write this there is no snow any where near us in Metro West Boston, but as we all know… it is on the way. As with everything in life, we can think positively or negatively about it. Take winter for...
Nov 3, 2015 | Exercise, Health
Fall is a great time to move some of your workouts indoors, and if you are not currently doing strength training it is a great time to start. In this Blog I would like to highlight some of the Benefits of Strength Training. Strength training helps decrease body...
Sep 1, 2015 | Diet, Health
Toxins are everywhere; we can’t avoid them even if we try. Hidden toxins are everywhere, in the foods we eat and the air we breathe every day. The foods we eat and liquids we drink are an easy way to clean up our toxin ingestion. Our body naturally removes toxins...