Aug 5, 2016 | Exercise, Healing, Health, Newsletter
It is almost 4 months post-knee surgery and my rehab could not be going better. The saying I use many times every day to my patients could not ring truer. “Life is motion”. This phrase has a whole new meaning to me now. Yes, life is motion, but the quality of...
Jun 2, 2016 | Healing, Health
The Rehabilitation of my left knee is going very well! I’m a extremely motivated and compliant patient. Both Steve Crowell, my PT and Dr. Brian McKeon, my orthopedic surgeon feel I am on track, if not a little ahead of where I should be at 8 weeks post-surgery. It’s...
May 3, 2016 | Health, Newsletter
My ACL knee surgery was on April 7. As directed, I arrive at 6 AM for my schedule 7AM surgery at Boston Out Patient Surgical Suites in Waltham. I was impressed on how professional and punctual everyone was from the receptionist to the nurses and doctors. After my...