Jun 3, 2018 | Chiropractic, Newsletter, Performance Health Center, Sports Medicine
Unfortunately the following saga is way too typical in our office. Last month I saw a new patient who had severe low back pain (LBP) for over 2 years. The pain was so severe she was living on pain meds, going right home from work and going to bed. She was not...
Apr 2, 2018 | Chiropractic, Health, Sports Medicine
Concussions are awful. There are close to 4 million sports related concussions in the U.S. every year. Your brain gets shaken up like an egg inside its shell. The skull doesn’t crack but the brain gets rattle around. You might lose consciousness, balance, ability to...
Mar 2, 2018 | Healing, Health
More and more evidence is proving what we’ve been told our whole lives is true; “You are what you think.” Hopefully, after you read this you’ll be more careful about what you think about because it can fundamentally affect you and your health! It’s now a few years...
Dec 27, 2017 | Healing, Health, Newsletter
The future of medicine maybe closer than you think! Bioelectric Medicine and Electroceuticals are top name contenders for this new branch of medicine. As researcher’s better understand and learn how to manipulate the electrical impulses of the nervous system we will...
Nov 3, 2017 | Children, Health, Newsletter
Your child’s backpack should never weigh more than 15% of their body weight. Every years we give a series of Backpack Safety Workshops at a local Middle School. A random sampling of the student’s backpacks found the majority were 25-30% of their body weight. Only one...