Apr 1, 2015 | General
Last month I met a new patient, an active 55 year old man (like me). For 3 months he was experiencing electric like pains in his left leg from just below his knee to the ankle. The electric sensation was random, but happened more frequently when he sat or was...
Mar 1, 2015 | General
February is behind us and hopefully that means the piles of snow and record cold will soon be too. We’ve seen the stresses snow and ice has put on our bodies and our homes. Our office phone has been ringing from our hurting patients who either didn’t read our...
Feb 1, 2015 | Health
You read daily how bad sitting is for you, especially in front of a computer all day. It’s true, sitting is the new smoking. There are many ergonomics, or positioning, considerations that can decrease the physical stress on your body, but the truth is we were not...
Dec 24, 2014 | General
Several patients asked me the same question in December. How can I know if I need a chiropractic adjustment? This is an excellent question. There can be several answers based on your philosophy of health. Are you healthy if you are not in pain, or are you pro-active...
Dec 2, 2014 | General
You’ve been told for years to bend from your knees when picking things up from the floor, but no one ever told you why. Being told to do something without being told why never works. In order to change habits you first need to understand the short and long term...