Rake Safe

With the warm September we had the leaves are staying green and hanging on longer than usual, but we all know that will change sooner or later. In the next few weeks the leaves will be falling and you’ll be pulling out your sweaters. Before you know it the leaves will...

Why Suffer with Low Back Pain?

I hope you have already read “A Second Chance in Life” (below in body of this blog).  It is truly a remarkable testimonial and the doctors at Performance Health Center are overjoyed at Patsy’s remarkable recovery after using crutches for so many years. As remarkable...

5 Dangerous Words

“Maybe it will go away”.  I hear these words almost every day I am in the office working with my patients as it relates to the pain syndrome(s) that brought them to seek my services.  There is usually a time frame around these words.  Some people wait a week, some a...

Exercise- More Really is Better!!!

Who doesn’t know it is important to exercise regularly?  The most current guidelines from both government and reputable health organizations is that we should all participate in a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week to build and maintain our health...

Your Mother Was Wrong( and So Was I)

How many times growing up were you told not to crack your knuckles because it causes arthritis? That is not correct. Studies have shown that people who crack their knuckles statistically have less arthritis than those that don’t. Chances are your mom told you that...