If you spend long periods of time texting each day, this method of communication might end up creating a literal “pain in the neck”. We now have a term for this ailment caused by tilting our heads forward and down while typing text messages: “Text Neck”.

Think of the millions of people who are right now flexing their head and shoulders forward to type a text. We get so focused on our cell phones, mp3 players, e-readers and computer tablets that we end up holding our neck and upper back in abnormal positions for long periods of time. “Text Neck” is defined as an overuse syndrome involving the head, neck and shoulders. It typically results from excessive strain put on the spine from looking in a downward position at these devices. This position when done repetitively or held for prolonged periods of time can cause excessive strain on the spine, stiffness in the neck, neck and upper back pain, headaches, and early onset of osteoarthritis. It can have a direct impact on our overall health.

Dr.  Roger Sperry, a Nobel Prize recipient for brain research demonstrated that 90% of the stimulation and nutrition of the brain is generated from spinal movement. When you adopt the static Forward Head Posture and limit spinal motion, you are robbing the brain from receiving vital stimulation and nutrition.

Now that millions of texts are sent every day, this syndrome is only going to get worse. People are going to become more hunched and exhibit signs of Forward Head Posture.

So what can be done if you are already starting to show signs and symptoms of “Text Neck” or Forward Head Posture?

Be aware of your posture when you type or text.  Find a way to hold the device at a neutral eye level. If you have an android device, there is an app called text neck, http://text-neck.com/  that will tell you when the phone is at an acceptable angle for viewing- a green indicator light is visible in the top corner of the phone, and when the phone is at an unacceptable angle, putting the user at risk for “Text Neck”, a red indicator light is visible in the top corner and an optional beep or vibration notification can be added.

Do some posture focused exercises every day- having a strong and flexible back and neck will help you deal with abnormal stresses and musculoskeletal issues.  Please visit our web site www.performancehealthcenter.com for some short videos describing how to do these exercises. Search under the self- care tab, and look for postural exercises.

Make sure your computer at home and work are ergonomically set up specifically for you.  Take regular work breaks and do some upper back and neck stretches, and maintain checkups and visits to your Chiropractor on a regular basis.

If you have questions or you think you might have “Text Neck”, or for additional exercises to help relieve the effects of “Text Neck”, feel free to contact me at: [email protected]