Here we are once again battling frigid temperatures, shorter days, slippery steps and dangerous commutes.  Winter can be stressful in many ways.  Add that stress to the fact that we are all indoors more often in closer quarters, spending much less time outside in the sun breathing fresh air.  The heat inside significantly dries out our mucous membrane which in turn leaves us more susceptible for viruses and bacteria to invade us.

There is a lot of research that indicates that when we are run down, whether it is due to lack of sleep, prolonged stress, strenuous exercise or work, general fatigue , even physical pain, or any combination of the above leave us much more susceptible to catching a cold or getting ill.

What can we do? Get enough sleep, wash your hands on a regular basis, stay hydrated, use a humidifier, do a daily saline nasal rinse and take Vitamin D3.

Here is a big one: Get regular chiropractic care- I- (Please read my blog from last winter about how regular chiropractic adjustments can help boost your immune system).

As you might already know, before I was a Doctor of Chiropractic I was an Exercise Physiologist, coach and personal trainer so I totally believe in regular exercise as a vital part of being healthy overall, so this next one is a no brainer.

Exercise on a regular basis.  Please read my blog from last year about how exercise can boost your immune system.

Just be careful not to overdo it as past research has shown exhaustive exercise temporarily lowers your immune system, but there is recent research that indicates some simple things that you can do to help boost that lowered immune response.

Recent research indicates that taking in Carbohydrates during exercise (especially strenuous exercise) can help prevent colds.   I found this research very interesting since I like to work out hard, yet I cannot afford to get sick or I won’t be able to help my patients

This most recent article from The New York Times shows a simple step you can do when exercising that can also help prevent getting sick.

So continue to wash your hands, get enough sleep, and do all those things listed above including exercise… just remember to bring your favorite carbohydrate snack or drink with you.

If you have any questions on this Blog or your health in general, please feel free to Wcontact me at [email protected]