Dr. Thomas Ball

At age 10, Thomas fractured his lowest lumbar vertebrae (L5) playing pond hockey. At the advice of his father, Thomas managed his lower back with physical therapy and chiropractic. Many years later as an adult, Dr. Ball became the patient of chiropractor Dr. Bradley Weiss. Dr. Ball was impressed by and grateful for the excellent care that Dr Weiss provided him. Dr. Ball decided to return to school to become a chiropractor himself so that he could help others as profoundly as Dr. Weiss and other chiropractors before him have helped him.
Dr. Ball brings a diverse background to Performance Health Centerwith over 20 years of experience in the Health and Fitness industry. His previous experiences and certifications include: Managing multiple corporate wellness centers (EMC in Hopkinton); Orthotist at the Sports Medicine Center of Annapolis; Physical Director of the Westchester YMCA in Los Angeles; Personal Trainer; USAT Triathlon Coach; USAC Cycling coach; and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the NSCA.
Thomas received his B.S. in Health Fitness and his M.S. in Exercise Physiology from Springfield College in Massachusetts. His master’s thesis on sports nutrition was published in The International Journal of Sport Nutritionand in Medicine Science Sports and Exercise. Dr. Ball graduated with honors from Sherman College of Chiropractic, and he is certified in Active Release Techniques®.
Dr. Ball has over 30 years of experience competing in endurance events: (triathlon, cycling, Nordic skiing, and cyclocross). In 2002 Thomas was ranked #1 for his age group for New England with the USTA, and more recently he was ranked #1 in South Carolina for his master’s division for road cycling in 2011. He won both the 2010 and 2011 South Carolina State Cyclocross Championships. Dr. Ball placed 4th at the 2015 AquaBike National Championships. He also placed 1st (team category) in the 2023 Sea to Summit Triathlon, biking the 92 mile leg.
Dr. Ball is dedicated to helping his patients minimize their pain and maximize their overall health with his chiropractic expertise, Active Release Technique® skills, his knowledge of exercise physiology, and his personal experience as an athlete.
Click to view Testimonials for Dr. Thomas Ball
….Dear Dr. Ball,
I am writing to you today to thank you for your time, treatment and compassion. After injuring my back at work, I came to your office searching for an alternative to prescription pain medicine. When I called to inquire about your services your staff was very informative, professional and customer friendly. Not to mention, your web site was easy to navigate and provided excellent information and videos. After researching reviews online as well as the excellent customer service I received, it was clear that your practice and services would provide me with the healthy alternative for treatment I was looking for.
The Kinesiology tapings as well as the hands on treatments I received over the last few months have allowed me to return to my normal work schedule and exercise activities. I was very overwhelmed by your kindness and compassion during my treatments. It is so rare for a doctor to call personally to check up on his patients, and continue to go the extra mile to provide excellent services.
You and your staff have taken a considerable amount of time over the phone and in the office with assisting with the endless amounts of paperwork related to my injury. You all have been so understanding through this entire process, I am so very grateful.
Best Wishes,
Kristen K.
Traveling home from a wonderful family visit we were injured in a terrible car accident. We were hit by a huge semi-trailer that crashed into and grinded the passenger side of our car. Since I was sitting on that side my injuries included whiplash, left knee pain, severe back pain and ultimately positional vertigo!
Dr. Thomas Ball treated me over a period of months until we both felt comfortable that I was much better off than when I began treatment. During this time Dr. Ball customized my care, paying attention to any issue that came up, with patience and diligence.
I always felt that Dr. Ball truly cared about my personal case. He took the time to explain the techniques and reasons why he made his choices about what he was doing to create better health for me. I never felt rushed or that it was routine care.
Dr. Ball is kind, caring and sincere. He truly loves helping people and making them feel better. He is excited and happy to see people getting well and feeling relief from pain. There is no pressure to continue care or particular treatments if it is not necessary.
The truth is that I was somewhat cynical about the ability of chiropractic care helping me with my physical injuries. Now I believe that it was very effective in my getting better. One of the scariest things was developing vertigo from the car crash.
Dr. Ball took the time to research the treatment and successfully adjusted me so that my head was relieved of those symptoms. I now know that whenever it comes back all I have to do is go to Dr. Ball and he will make it better by doing the “Epley maneuver” successfully.
It is with great confidence that I recommend Dr. Thomas Ball as a fine and dedicated Chiropractor. He will undoubtedly look for any course of treatment to effectively treat a patient. I am truly grateful for all the attention and care I have received from Performance Health Center.
With gratitude and Respect,
Sara S.
I am pleased to report that I can be counted among the patients who have been treated by Dr. Ball, and have been “cured” by his skillful care.
Several weeks ago, suffering from a back problem, my wife pushed me to go to Performance Health Center to seek some relief. In the course of Dr. Ball’s treatment for my back, we discussed an on-going muscle problem in my right leg that has been plaguing me for over 2 years that I sustained while running. I had tried every form of stretching and rehab, applied heat, applied cold, etc….all to no avail. The leg issue had gotten to the point where I was walking with a noticeable limp and my ability to exercise was being compromised.
Dr. Ball, a very quick study, realized that the issue was scar tissue that had formed after the original injury had healed. After 2 visits with Dr. Ball focusing his attention on my leg and the scar tissue, I am now pleased to report that I have no pain, no tightness in the muscle, and no longer suffer any form of limp.
This has been a truly remarkable experience for which I am very grateful.
Richard W.
I wanted to thank you for the care you’ve given me over the last month. I came into your office 7 months pregnant and unsure if you’d be able to help with the sharp back pain I was suddenly experiencing throughout the day. Not only did you adjust your techniques to accommodate my pregnancy, but you have helped my back and hips feel better than I thought possible! I am sleeping better at night due to the reduction in pain and I am so grateful for this extra quality of life you have given me!
Now that I know how much better I can feel, I plan on continuing my care until the time of birth and returning for checkups once the baby is born.
Thank you again!
Michele R.
As a former college athlete, and someone who has always worked to improve their performance, I was really excited to get under the care of Dr. Tom Ball. Although I am not currently participating in organized competition, sports still play a big role in my life. In conjunction with the ever present bumps and bruises that come with athletics, I also am very in tune with my body’s functioning.
During my senior season of College football I suffered a pretty severe concussion and neck injury as the result of head to head contact during a pre season scrimmage. Following the injury, headaches and neck pain became so routine that I had began to accept them as being a new but normal part of my life.
After just a few visits with Dr. Tom Ball the neck pain had nearly completely subsided, and the headaches became an extremely rare occurrence. After about two months of care under Dr. Ball my health was restored, and it was truly incredible to be reminded as to how amazing a properly functioning body can feel and perform. From that point I maintained regular care in order to continue this trend of optimized living. I noticed an improvement in my overall athleticism, and my passion for sports was reignited.
Communication with Dr. Ball was so simple because of his knowledge of the human body and because of his genuine care for me. Each visit was thorough, personal, and effective. I am so appreciative of all that Dr. Ball did for me, among this is how he instilled within me the desire to become a Doctorate of Chiropractic so that perhaps I too could impact the lives of people in a manner similar as to how he impacted mine.
– Brian L.
I am not a person accustomed to writing testimonials, as such, but I have received such great care and health insight from Dr. Tom Ball who has been treating me for the last few months that I feel compelled to share my experience with others in the hope that it may help them find the treatment they need to relieve pain, and improve their overall health.
First of all, allow me to give a little background.
Until a few years ago I did not hold the art of Chiropractic Care, or Chiropractors, in very high regard. Not because I thought they were less of a professional than an M.D., but rather out of ignorance and poor experience with any treatment that I had received. That changed when I retired and began as a patient at Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, in South Carolina, which is where I met Dr. Ball.
I am a retired police officer and I have sustained many injuries and have had several surgeries throughout my career, including bypass surgery. All of this has left me with what I can only describe as chronic pain, pain in my back, pain in my joints, and pain in numerous other areas of my body, but none of it more annoying than in one of my knees.
If you knew me, you would know that I am not normally a person who notices pain very much, I believe this to be because I have a fairly high pain threshold and also because of my police training to persevere under adverse circumstances. Nonetheless, with the advance of time, changes in my body and overall health, things change, and pain is now a part of my daily life, and as such, it seems prudent to effectively manage it to achieve a better quality of life.
Under Dr. Ball’s care for the last few months, I am happy to report, that I am experiencing a much lower, if not non-existent, chronic pain problem, and also a renewed sense of general good health and well being.
Dr. Ball is by far the most knowledgeable and most effective chiropractor I have ever worked with, and while under his care my progress has been tremendous.
Of special note, and of significant importance to me in particular is this, Dr. Ball’s A.R.T. (Active Release Technique) skills are truly amazing, and he is a master at these techniques. If you recall I mentioned a problem with one of my knees, a joint that had become bound by scar tissue causing pain and restricting mobility, well after treatment by Dr. Ball, I am happy to say that I have restored mobility and I am virtually pain free. Thank you Dr. Ball!
As we say down South, “Hey Y’all” I would highly recommend Dr. Ball to anyone who is concerned about their chronic pain, and their overall health and well-being, regardless of age or physical ability. Also, for those suffering with joint issues, such as pain and immobility brought on by scar tissue from injuries or surgeries, Dr. Ball’s A.R.T. skills are truly magnificent, he is a master at these techniques. On a professional level, you can always count on Dr. Ball to give you his undivided attention, always explain what he is doing and why he is doing it, update you on recent techniques to help you achieve overall good health, and most of all, he will be honest with you regarding your health and what can be done.
It is a privilege to be a patient of Dr. Tom Ball, and if you choose to become a patient of Dr. Ball, I am confident you will feel that way too.
– Reginal S.
Dr. Ball is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about his profession. I am glad I had the opportunity to be his patient and I wish him the best of luck and I highly recommend him to any patient!
– Jason M.
As a former college athlete, and someone who has always worked to improve their performance, I was really excited to get under the care of Dr. Tom Ball. Although I am not currently participating in organized competition, sports still play a big role in my life. In conjunction with the ever present bumps and bruises that come with athletics, I also am very in tune with my body’s functioning.
During my senior season of College football I suffered a pretty severe concussion and neck injury as the result of head to head contact during a pre-season scrimmage. Following the injury, headaches and neck pain became so routine that I had begun to accept them as being a new but normal part of my life. After just a few visits with Dr. Tom Ball the neck pain had nearly completely subsided, and the headaches became an extremely rare occurrence. After about two months of care under Dr. Ball my health was restored, and it was truly incredible to be reminded as to how amazing a properly functioning body can feel and perform. From that point I maintained regular care in order to continue this trend of optimized living. I noticed an improvement in my overall athleticism, and my passion for sports was reignited.
Communication with Dr. Ball was so simple because of his knowledge of the human body, and because of his genuine care for me. Each visit was thorough, personal, and effective. I am so appreciative of all that Dr. Ball did for me, among this is how he instilled within me the desire to become a Doctorate of Chiropractic so that perhaps I too could impact the lives of people in a manner similar as to how he impacted mine.
– Brian L., B.S. Exercise Science
Dr. Ball straightened me out! Literally! I have suffered from lower back and hip pain for more than two years. Dr. Ball spent time asking me questions and learning about my lifestyle so that he was able to determine what my specific issues were. He’s thorough and comprehensive and made me feel valued as a person and patient, not just another chart. I appreciated the fact that he was able to explain what was happening with my spine, muscles, and bones in a way that made sense. I feel that his background in exercise physiology gives him more insight than most chiropractors. I can sum up my experience with Dr. Ball in one word…Trust. I trust his knowledge, his experience, and his capabilities.
– Tonya A.